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How Do You Know if You Have a Shallow Vagina

Is Painful Sex activity Acquired past a Shallow Vagina?

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Why is Sex Painful? Is My Vagina Shallow ? Am I Normal Downwardly At that place? As OB/GYNs, nosotros are ofttimes asked questions that many women are besides embarrassed to talk about. But information technology's important to understand your beefcake and no question should be avoided because noesis is power when it comes to your vaginal health.

Asking A Complimentary CONSULTATION

Post-obit are answers to some of the thousands of questions we've been asked from our patients regarding painful intercourse, often due to a "shallow" vagina.

And so, What is the "Average" Vagina?

Having a shallow vagina can create noticeable bug, especially with intercourse or trying to insert anything into the vagina. Pain and discomfort are never normal, and so it's best to talk over whatsoever questions with your OB/GYN.

The average vagina is between 3 and half-dozen inches deep, or for most people, that's roughly the length of your hand. Simply an unusual fact is that the depth of a vagina can change in whatever 24-hour menses. For example, if a woman gets nervous or uptight, the vagina tin can be more on the smaller side. However, if a woman is sexually aroused, the vaginal canal grows longer. This lengthening allows the uterus and cervix to elevator up from the vaginal canal and so that penetration will exist easier and more comfortable.

The vaginal canal undergoes several changes throughout the many stages of life, from puberty, childbirth, aging, to menopause, so it changes with you lot. All women are unlike and unique and this holds true for vaginas as well. It is completely normal for women to accept dissimilar lengths, shapes and sizes of vaginas. Just like no two women are the same, no two vaginas are simply alike.

Then, technically, there is no "boilerplate" or normal, only a range for what is most common. The just important fact to continue in mind is that if you lot experience hurting or discomfort, see an experienced OB/GYN who tin can find help yous find the source of the pain. If you're suffering with a shallow vagina, it could be caused by an underlying condition that makes penetration uncomfortable.

What if My Vagina Isn't Deep Enough?

If vaginal penetration is uncomfortable, you may have a status called a shallow vagina. It can besides be noticeable if you take discomfort or difficulty when inserting a tampon.

Your Vagina may be Shallow or Non Deep Plenty if:

  • You feel resistance equally yous attempt insertion
  • You experience increasing discomfort or pain while a tampon is inserted or during sexual intercourse
  • You feel intense or deep pain with motility
  • You have burning or aching in your vagina

Some Causes of a Shallow Vagina include:

  • Vaginal scarring from prior surgery or childbirth
  • Vaginal tears from childbirth or trauma
  • Infection
  • Vaginal dryness
  • Fibroids
  • An underlying medical condition

If your vagina feels unusually short and is causing discomfort or pain, see an experienced OB/GYN to rule out an underlying medical status and find the root of the problem. For many, treatment tin can lessen the degree of discomfort and minimize pain.

Learn more about vaginal wellness!Download our FREE Vaginal Rejuvenation eBook.

What are Some Medical Conditions that Cause a Shallow Vagina?

Examinations by an OB/GYN are important to help rule out other medical issues. If information technology'southward determined that you have a shallow vagina, your doctor may diagnose you with one of the following conditions:

Vaginismus – Vaginismus is an automatic bodily response where vaginal muscles involuntarily constrict when trying to insert something. This condition is usually treated through a combination of pelvic floor exercises, medical vaginal dilators, and maybe counseling or coaching.

Tilted uterus – The uterus is above the vagina and usually points forrard toward the abdomen. Simply, in approximately 1/3 of all women, the uterus is tilted toward the spine. This is called a tilted or retroverted uterus.

A tilted uterus doesn't necessarily shorten the length of the vaginal canal, but it may make insertion difficult. Penetration from behind and deep thrusting may be especially uncomfortable. Talk over with your md different sexual positions that may work ameliorate and non cause discomfort.

In some cases, your doctor can recommend exercises that may help to correct the position of the uterus. In severe cases, and if information technology is seriously altering your lifestyle, surgery may be discussed. Your doctor will advise treatment options based on your unique case.

Vaginal stenosis – Vaginal stenosis is a condition that causes scar tissue in the vaginal canal. The upshot is a narrower and shorter opening to the vagina, which may make intercourse more hard or impossible. Vaginal stenosis is ofttimes the effect of surgeries, childbirth, sexual trauma, or other injuries which tin cause scar tissue in the vaginal culvert.

Treatment focuses on keeping the muscles pliable and preventing stiffness. To practice this, your md may recommend using a vaginal dilator, lubrication, and practicing pelvic floor exercises.

Fibroids – Up to fourscore% of women have fibroids, and many don't fifty-fifty realize it. They tin can be the size of a pea, or as big every bit a watermelon. Fibroids are non-malignant tumors that grow in and around the uterus. If the fibroid is a pregnant size, it can possibly bulge into the wall of the vaginal culvert and cause hurting with intercourse. The coarse can brand the vagina seem shorter if it is blocking function of the vaginal canal.

Pain with intercourse is never a normal symptom, and then information technology should never be ignored. Your OB/GYN will be able to see if fibroids are present during an examination and come up with a handling plan.

Infection – Vaginal infections are 1 of the most common problems that affect the female reproductive organs. These infections are non just uncomfortable, only can cause further health problems if left untreated.

At that place are a wide variety of infections that can affect the female genitalia. Vaginal infections may be caused by fungi, leaner, viruses, or parasites constitute in the vagina or vulva.

If left untreated, an infection tin can cause pain and swelling in the vaginal canal, which in turn can make penetration uncomfortable or impossible. Evaluation past an OB/GYN can help determine if an infection is nowadays, and handling options are available.

Vaginal Dryness – Vaginal dryness tin can occur for many reasons and tin can cause painful intercourse. It is common as women historic period, especially as they are budgeted the menopausal years. With menopause, there is a decrease in the product of estrogen, which is a hormone that helps maintain the vagina'southward lubrication, elasticity, and thickness.

Vaginal dryness and low estrogen can occur at other times as well. Estrogen levels fall after childbirth, with breastfeeding, or during certain other medical treatments or medications.

Hormone replacement therapy may aid. Speak to your dr. to find out if information technology's right for you.

MRKH Syndrome – Individuals born with Mayer-Rokitansky-Küster-Hauser (MRKH) syndrome take an underdeveloped or absent vagina and uterus. They may, however, be born with intact female person genitalia and female chromosomes.

Some people with MRKH syndrome may not know about the missing or underdeveloped sex activity organs until they're older. Sometimes the first sign may be a lack of flow during puberty.

These variations may cause pain or discomfort during penetration. It may brand sexual intercourse impossible. Your doctor may recommend dilation techniques to stretch the vaginal canal to a normal length. In some cases, surgery may be necessary to create a vaginal canal.

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It'due south Important to be Evaluated by an OB/GYN

Pain or discomfort with penetration can happen from time to time. Even so, if the discomfort interferes with your daily life or penetration becomes impossible, make an appointment to see an OB/GYN. A physical exam can rule out whatever underlying conditions that may make penetration painful or impossible. One time the underlying crusade is clear, your OB/GYN volition give you a handling program to alleviate symptoms.

Schedule an Appointment Today

Our doctors are female person wellness experts. With three double board-certified urogynecologists and a various group of board-certified OB/GYNs, assistance is available. Call us to schedule an appointment at 770.720.7733 or request an appointment online.


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