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Mentioning Someone You Know in a Cover Letter

Listing a referral in a cover letter is when y'all name driblet the name of somebody you know who works at a visitor yous're applying to. That person must hold to endorse you and consider yous a good candidate for the role (otherwise, you're substantially lying by mentioning them equally a reference).

Hither's a quick guide on proper name dropping in a encompass letter:

Infographic showing how to name drop a referral in a cover letter.

You can also look at our cover letter referral samples or use our copy-paste template for ideas of how to begin a cover alphabetic character with a referral.

Is proper name dropping in a cover letter OK?

Yes, name dropping in a cover letter of the alphabet is OK if you take a contact at the visitor or know a mutual associate of the hiring manager (for example, you constitute out on a newsletter that they both spoke at an manufacture conference).

The purpose of a cover letter is to land you a task. By name dropping a referral, you boost your job-landing chances because the hiring manager will see that y'all come recommended by someone they piece of work closely with and already trust.

Plus simply having a referral helps show that y'all've got the interpersonal skills necessary to earn someone's trust enough that they'd put their own reputation on the line and recommend you for a position.

How to name drib in a embrace letter

Name dropping in a cover letter is elementary. But follow these three quick steps to mention a referral in a polite and professional fashion.

ane. Discover someone yous know at your target company

If you lot're writing a cover letter in response to a task ad, notice out if you know someone at the same visitor.


The simplest way to discover a connection is to utilize LinkedIn and search the company. If you take LinkedIn contacts at the visitor, you lot can see that information under the visitor's proper name:

Company on LinkedIn showing contact letter referral possibilities.

Click on the text "# connections work here" to view all of your connections and find 1 to message.

LinkedIn also tells you if alumni from your college work at a location:

LinkedIn page for a company showing possible college acquaintances who could act as cover letter referrals.

If your one-time classmates are among these alumni, yous can view them all by clicking your higher's logo, and run into if you know anybody:

A list of people working at a company who studied at the same college who you might be able to ask if you can name drop in a cover letter.

So yous can message or connect with anybody you know, and ask if they're open to being a referral in your cover letter.


Facebook as well offers an pick to search past company. However, you already need to accept a contact proper noun. Facebook won't let you just search by visitor proper noun:

Facebook's search tool is less useful for finding mutual contacts who work at a company.

Visitor website

If all else fails, and y'all call up you lot know that someone works at a company, you tin can try confirming through Google. In that location are ii ways to use Google to search for contacts:

one. Apply Google to search the company site by typing—

Supersede "" with the domain name. For example—

2. Search for—

to notice only pages where the company and the person are mentioned together

ii. Enquire for permission to mention their name in your comprehend letter

Before you name drop someone in your cover letter, asking for their permission is essential.

First, it's polite, and you should avoid offending someone who talks to the hiring managing director.

2d, by request for their permission, they can ready what they plan to say to the hiring manager — focusing on your accomplishments, skills, and work feel too as what it'south like working with you (in other words, how your soft skills are).

If y'all forget to ask if you tin drop their name, they're likely to be surprised and not know what to say when the hiring director speaks to them.

iii. Drop the contact's proper noun into your cover letter opening

When yous beginning your encompass letter, briefly mention the proper name of your referral. Don't explicate how and why you know each other — the hiring director can get that information from your contact, and explaining your connection takes upwards valuable infinite that you can utilize to highlight your various qualifications for the office.

For example, yous can simply say—

My name is Wilfred Wilberforce, and your colleague, Horace Huxtable, recommended I apply for the open up Bank Teller position that y'all're advertising.

This introduction is simple and to the bespeak. Yous introduce yourself and give the hiring manager a name in their company who they tin can speak to about your groundwork.

If you're sending an fastened cover letter by email, mention your referral's proper noun in both the electronic mail body text and your attached cover letter of the alphabet because the hiring director may —

  • not read your electronic mail body text thoroughly
  • save your full-length encompass letter to read at a later time

Referral cover alphabetic character samples (× two)

Here are two embrace letter opening paragraphs with a referral mentioned, so you lot can run into how to write your own referral cover letter:

Referral cover letter case 1

Referral on a cover letter. Text: Dear Ms. Nkosi, I'm writing to apply for the Chief of Operations position you're advertising at ABC Tech., which was brought to my attention by my former colleague, Edgar Entwhistle. With 7 years' experience in company operations, I […]

Referral cover letter instance 2

Cover letter referral. Text: Dear Mx. Ryder, My name is Sandy Suzuki, and your Personal Assistant, Mr. Conrad Costello, recommended I apply for the open Certified Public Accountant role at XYZ Corp. As an experienced CPA with an MBA, I […]

Referral encompass letter template

Re-create and paste this cover alphabetic character template opening to starting time your comprehend letter containing a referral the right mode:

Template for Name Dropping in a Encompass Letter

Dear [Mr./Ms./Mx.] [Hiring Manager's Last Proper name],

My proper noun is [Your Proper name], and I was approached past [Contact'due south Name], who told me about your open [Role Name] position at [Company Proper noun]. I'm writing to submit my application for the position because […]

Samuel Johns, CPRW

Written past Samuel Johns, CPRW

Samuel Johns is a Certified Professional person Resume Writer (CPRW) and career counselor on the RG team. He has helped countless job seekers craft high-quality resumes and cover... more


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